King of the Gym Bench Press Contest Each participant will be given 3 attempts with highest weight achieved recorded. When participants weight is racked, he or she will be given 2 minutes to perform first lift. If plates or bench shift at any time during performed...
Join us for a totally rad 80s themed 5k! Lace up your sneakers, put on your neon gear, and get ready to run like it’s 1986! Let’s get nostalgic for the 80s. Grab your leg warmers, tease your hair, and get ready to sprint through the 80s. Don’t miss out on the most...
Celebrate National Donut Day at the Robins Fitness Center for our Donut 5K! Winner is determined by the ratio of Race Time to Donuts eaten before and during the race. Remember, donuts are only for those that compete, so bring your A-game and your appetite! Don’t...