Military & Family Readiness Center

Support when you need it

Who We Are

The Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is the service organization and focal point for Air Force family matters. Serving all single and married active duty, DoD civilian personnel and their eligible family members, to include Guard and Reserve members, other eligible uniformed members, military retirees and their eligible family members.

Our Mission

Military and Family Readiness Center’s (M&FRC) mission is to provide targeted Airmen, Guardians and their Families support and services by contributing to mission readiness, and the well-being of the Department of the Air Force community. M&FRC supports and maintains mission readiness by assisting individuals and families with adaptation to the challenges and demands of the military lifestyle. The M&FRC ensures that Airmen, Guardians, and their Families are informed, educated, assisted, and prepared for the unique demands of military life.

Air Force Aid Society

The Air Force Aid Society is the official charity of the U.S. Air Force. It promotes the Air Force mission by helping “to relieve distress of Air Force members and their families and assisting them to finance their education”. Through the years, AFAS has become increasingly effective in helping individuals with personal emergencies and provide assistance through Community Programs. Requests for Emergency Assistance include an assessment of the emergency situation and an evaluation of the personal budget to arrive at a decision to make an interest free loan, a grant, or combination of both. Emergency Assistance can be provided at the Robins A&FRC during operating hours at  and through the American Red Cross at  after duty hours.

Air Force Families Forever (AFFF)

Air Force Families Forever (AFFF) is a long-term survivor program established to provide support to family members of deceased Regular Air Force (AF), U.S. Space Force (USSF) Guardians and Air Reserve Component (ARC) Airmen and who died in an Active Duty, Inactive Duty for Training (IDT), or Annual Training (AT) status and whose relationship was established prior to the Airman/Guardian death. This includes RegAF, Guard, and Reserve Airmen/Guardians.

Gold Star Families (GSF) are survivors of service members who died while engaged in combat or military conflict with an opposing foreign force or as a result of an international terrorist attack against the US. Family of service members who are unaccounted-for from our Nation’s Past Conflicts (i.e., Korean War, Cold Wary, Vietnam War, and other operations). National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, Public Law 113-66, Sec 626, Access to Military Installations for Certain Surviving Spouses and other Next

of Kin of Members of the Armed Forces Who Die While on Active duty or Certain Reserve Duty


The AFFF program ensures surviving family members of deceased Airmen and Guardians are provided long-term support and resources in partnership with AF Casualty, Mortuary Affairs, and other agencies through information and referral as well as facilitating remembrance and connection to events on the installation, surrounding communities, and TAPS. Specific procedures are devised to provide support to eligible Next-of-Kin (NOK) through Airman & Family Readiness Centers (A&FRCs) at installations closest to where the survivor(s) resides.

Assist family members who are identified as Next of Kin (NOK) survivors (relationships are defined as spouse, child, parent, and siblings. For purposes of AFFF, this relationship must have been established prior to the Airman/Guardian’s death.

Casualty SBP

M&FRC Program: Casualty Services and Survivor Benefit Program Plan

The Air Force Casualty Services Program’s primary goals are to provide prompt, accurate reporting, dignified and humane notification, and efficient, thorough, and compassionate assistance to the next of kin for as long as needed. The Casualty Assistance Representative (CAR) works closely with commanders at all levels to ensure the success of the program. The CAR works closely with survivors of retired Air Force members to ensure potential benefits are applied in a timely manner. The CAR provides limited casualty service to members of sister services, certain foreign nationals, and civilians.

Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP): Military pay stops when a member dies. The SBP is a government program, which makes it possible for retiring members to ensure that after their death, their eligible survivors receive a portion of their military retired pay in the form of monthly annuities and VA benefits. The SBP was structured so that a surviving spouse cannot outlive the annuity, and it has Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) incorporated so the annuity increases with inflation. An active duty member who has eligible dependents is automatically covered by SBP at the maximum level at no cost to the member while he/she remains on active duty. Prior to retiring, each member must decide whether to continue SBP coverage into retirement. The retired pay of those members who elect to participate is reduced by monthly premiums. The SBP is a unique plan: Government-subsidized premiums deducted from a participating member’s retired pay before taxes. SBP is the sole means for a member to continue a portion of their military retired pay to their eligible survivors. If a member chooses (with the concurrence of their spouse) not to participate in the SBP, an annuity cannot be paid.

Casualty/SBP Questions: Do you have a casualty or SBP question you wish someone could answer for you? Your A&FRC at Robins AFB can help. One-on-one casualty/SBP counseling is available to all military members at Robins AFB. Do not have time to come, send and with your casualty or SBP questions. We will research and respond to your questions within three business days. Most questions answered within 24 hours.

For more information, call 926.1256


Exceptional Family Member Program-Family Support (EFMP-FS) is a community support program for military family members with special needs and is offered by all branches of the services. EFMP-FS is the community support function provided by A&FRCs to enhance the quality of life of special needs family members. It is all-encompassing and includes DoD military, DoD civilians, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, retirees, and personnel from other military branches of service.

The EFMP-FS ensures that your family will receive comprehensive coordinated services, both on & off the installation. One on one consultations, Family Needs Assessments, early intervention & special education information, respite care information & relocation assistance are just some examples of how EFMP-FS can assist families with special needs. If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you with information, referrals & non-medical case management

Employment Assistance

The program supports military, civilian and family members’ job hunt for short and long-term employment. Offers labor market information, skills and interest identification, Job Search workshops, alternatives to paid employment (e.g., volunteerism and education), on-and-off base resources available. Services and classes focus is on education and preparation for the job search process. Most classes are taught in a group setting, one-on-one assistance is also available by appointment. Group or unit trainings are also available by request.

Information and programs are available on:

  • Resume Writing
  • Job Search Techniques
  • Federal Employment
  • Interview Skills
  • Spouse Employment
  • Job Fairs

Personal and Family Readiness

Personal and Family Readiness Program is there to assist service members and their families in managing the challenges of deployments and separations before, during, and after they occur. Personal and Family Readiness offers the following programs:

Pre-deployment Briefing: Mandatory briefing for the military member (spouses encouraged to attend) covering, Red Cross, services for families during deployment, AFAS services, and overview of handouts. Military members schedule with your UDM and are encouraged to bring your significant other.

Reunion Briefing: Mandatory briefing for the military member (spouses encouraged to attend). This class covers the stress of reunion on the family; communication challenges that can occur, and the truth about expectations for those returning from deployment. Post-deployment workshop features briefings by: A&FRC, Mental Health, Chaplain, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Family Advocacy and the Military Family Life Counselor (MFLC). Military members schedule with your UDM and are encouraged to bring your significant other.

Hearts Apart Program: Open to immediate family members who have a loved one currently deployed, on a remote tour or TDY. Allows deployed family members to network and interact with fellow families.

Give Parents a Break – Feeling stressed? Receive 4hrs of free childcare once a month. Contact First Sergeant or call A&FRC.

Gift Card Program – Receive 1 gift card every 30 days from local merchants. Bring orders to M&FRP Bldg 794 to pick up gift card.

Pillowcases – Custom made pillowcases. Email for more information.

Free Blankets – blankets of all shapes, sizes, materials, and colors. Stop by M&FRC Bldg 794.

Green Care for Troops – free lawn care for deployed families E-6 and below. To sign up go to

Add “Air Force Predeployment Checklist” as a link to the program.

Personal Financial Readiness

The goal of the Personal Financial Readiness is to increase the effectiveness of everyday living skills financially, learn to cope with life events and realize one’s personal potential resulting in increased quality of life and resilience for military members and their families when it comes to their finances.

Financial education is offered in group or individual settings. A variety of topics provides customers with the most current, relevant, and accurate information. Topics provided are mandated and should be adhered to by all AD members.

  1. Accessions
  2. First Duty Station
  3. Thrift Savings Plan Vesting
  4. Continuation Pay
  5. Transition
  6. Pre- and Post-Deployment
  7. Marriage
  8. Divorce
  9. Birth of First Child
  10. Disabling Sickness of Condition
  11. Subsequent Duty Station
  12. Promotion

It is our goal to ensure all members are financially stable and to provide them with the tools to have a successful career financially!
For more information, call 926.1256

Personal Work & Life Education

LT:he goal of the Personal and Work Life Program, PW&L, is to provide education that equips service members, couples and families with enrichment services with a focus on building and maintaining healthy relationships, strengthening interpersonal competencies and every-day problem solving skills to use throughout their military and family life-cycle.

P&WL activities are educational in nature and offered in group or individual settings. Services may be provided in collaboration with other family readiness service providers, education and resources related to health, fitness, wellness, and nutrition both on and off an installation.

For more information, call 926.1256

Key Support Liaison

The Key Support Liaison (KSL) provides information and resources to military spouses, supporting families in successfully navigating throughout the military lifecycle. Key Spouses are appointed by the Unit Commander to serve as a vital communication link between the unit and its families. The role of the Key Support Liaison (KSL) is designed to complement a unit’s mission and resilience, and assist in establishing a sense of community amongst unit members/families.

Those interested in volunteering as a Key Support Liaison should contact their First Sergeant or Commander.

Relocation Assistance

The Relocation Assistance Program’s mission is to ease personal and family stressors military families experience with a permanent change of station (PCS) by providing assistance, counseling, sponsorship training and education throughout all phases of the relocation process. Relocation assistance is available to service members, DoD Civilians and their families authorized to make a PCS. The Relocation Assistance Program is the most virtual of all services provided in the A&FRC. Customers can access on line tools to assist them at every stage of the PCS.

To plan your move checkout: and

Transition Assistance Program

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)

The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is designed to provide retiring, separating, and demobilizing members the information, skills, and knowledge needed for a successful transition to civilian life.  Through the mandated components of TAP, service members have access to an array of workshops, assessments, and services to prepare them for the transition.

Service members are required to initiate TAP no later than 365 days from the date of separation or retirement.  The recommended start time is within 24 months from retirement or within 18 months from separation. You can find a comprehensive timeline here: (Managing Your Transition Timeline).

TAP components include:

Step 1: Initial Counseling

This first step is an individual appointment where members’ goals and transition needs are discussed and assessed.  Members are assigned to a Tier level (1, 2, or 3) based on individual goals and preparedness for transition.  Members learn what must be accomplished and are provided resources and information.  This first step must be accomplished NLT 365 days from date of separation/retirement.  Call the A&FRC at 478-926-1256 to schedule.

Step 2: Pre-Separation Counseling/Briefing

The Pre-separation Counseling appointment or briefing provides information on entitlements and benefits members may be eligible for and reviews the transition process.  Pre-separation counseling/briefing should be accomplished early in the transition process but NLT 365 days from separation.  May be accomplished in a group setting or individual appointment on a needs basis. You can download the Pre-separation Briefing Resource Guide from this link:

Step 3: Transition Workshop

All members complete at minimum the 3-day Core Curriculum which includes:

  • DoD Day (Managing Your Transition, Military Occupational Code Crosswalk, Financial Planning for Transition)
  • DoL Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition
  • VA Benefits and Services

All members are highly encouraged to attend at least one of the additional two-day tracks; however, members assigned to Tier 3 are required to participate in at least one track.  Additional Two-Day Tracks include:

  • Managing Your (MY) Education Track
  • Career & Credential Exploration (C2E)
  • Department of Labor Employment Track
  • Entrepreneurship Track (Boots to Business)

View upcoming TAP classes at all locations at

Step 4: Capstone

The Capstone is an individual appointment where members’ Career Readiness Standards (CRS) are reviewed and documented.  CRSs are the Department of Defense’s tangible measurements of a service member’s preparedness for a civilian career.  CRSs capitalize upon skills and experience and are aligned to employment, technical, and/or education competency areas.  Member should refer to the checklist for their designated Tier for a list of the applicable CRSs to provide for review at the Capstone appointment.

TAP Virtual Curriculum

The Department of Defense introduced a virtual delivery of the Transition curriculum on Transition Online Learning (TOL).  This resource provides service members who are unable to attend TAP training in person with the means to obtain online instruction.  Members and their families can participate in virtual curriculum at any time during their military career; however, only certain categories of personnel can use virtual curriculum to fulfill the mandatory transition requirements, and certificates of completion must be submitted to TAP staff for credit to be applied. Access TOL here:

For questions and scheduling, call the A&FRC at 478-926-1256

Additional TAP Resources:

Upcoming Events